The Great Date Contest

Win a date with me!  (As seen on Craigslist)

Who’s “me” you ask and why am I worthy of a date contest?  Gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself.  They call me Zia Zitella.  I am a dating blogger and, as some of my readers and friends have pointed out, dating expert.  Early thirties, brunette, saucy, and a damn fine cook.  I am looking for one heck of a great date.  In my dating lifetime, I have had my share of okay dates, bad dates, forgettable dates, and boring dates.  I have never had a wow-knock-me-off-my-feet amazing date.  Doesn’t seem fair, right?  So my goal this year is to get that date.

Now, what’s in it for you?  Well, a date with me should really be enough but whatever. J My plan is to “put you on the map” and advertise what a great dater you actually are.  I will give you your 15 minutes of international blog fame.  I will write about the date and how spectacular everything was.  If your goal this year is to get snatched up by some lucky woman, I will and want to help get you achieve that goal.

Do you have a great date idea, but no woman to enjoy it with you?  Do you have the girl in mind but are too afraid you’ll trip over your own feet to ask her, and want to try a “sample run” of the date?  Have you been online dating for months and not getting many results and are hoping to stand out from the crowd a bit more?  Or are you just a typical guy and I said “contest” and you want to win?  Whatever description you fit – submit.

What I’m looking for:  A date with pizzazz, nothing dull.  For example, in Napa Valley, CA they have these bike tours that take you to different wineries where you can sample wines and try food from their farms.  The date gives you something to do so you’re not forced to talk like you would be in a dinner-at-a-restaurant situation.

What I’m not looking for:  A submission telling me you have lots of pizzazz in the bedroom and we will be sampling different Karma Sutra positions.  No hanky-panky on this date.

How to submit and contest rules:

1)  All date submitters please be between the ages of 22-45.

2)  Don’t be concerned about location.  I have a master plan for that too.

3)  To submit a date idea, send an email to with the subject line “Great Date Submission: 1”

4)  In your submission please give a general description of the date.  Include your name, age, and location (just city, state/ territory, & US/Canada)

5)  If your idea is accepted, you will receive a letter with your next step in the process.  If you do not receive an acceptance letter, then the idea was rejected.  But don’t lose hope.  You can submit up to 5 times.  Just change the number in the subject line to the number submission you are sending.

6)  General submission deadline is March 31, 2011.

7)  At that point, I will involve readers to help me chose the winner.  The date will take place in late June, taking into consideration both of our schedules.

To find out more about me and my personality, here are a few posts to help you:

I’m Goin’ In, Pizzazz Questionnaire, and a popular favorite, My Southern Charm.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Zia Zitella, Zia Zitella. Zia Zitella said: Guys – Single? – Looking? – Well, I want you. […]

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