Posts Tagged ‘Robin Szolkowy’

Wish List

     For now I have no dating prospects.  And as a result I have had ample Olympic viewing time.  Although I love sports and have enjoyed the competition, there is a downside to this.  I have now spent a week day dreaming over unattainable men that I will never meet.  Fantasizing over fake relationships with athletes who don’t know I exist.  But really, staring at the TV for a few hours at a time, at men who are well oiled machines, zero body fat, and know how to go for what they want,  how can you not?

Robin Szolkowy – Germany – Doesn’t make men’s figure skating look so fruity.  Kinda has a “bad boy of the ice” look about him.

Igor Sarcevic – Serbia – Justin Timberlake and Orlando Bloom don’t do much for me.  But if the two of them had a love child…whoo!  Shame his sport makes him cover that mug in a helmet.

Seth Wescott – USA – Zia sees, Zia likes.  How can you not dig a man who lives in a town called Sugarloaf?  Not too keen on the lip fuzz he’s got going on, but…well…everything else makes up for it.

Aksel Lund Svindal – Norway – *Top Pick* – Humpty Dumpty may have had a great fall, but damn if those doctors didn’t put him back together again.

      Aside from the fact that I will most likely never meet these men, have no clue if they are single, I feel I may have a shot with 3 out of the 4.  As OkCupid pointed out to me, there is distance and a language barrier, and according to them, that’s what I need.  So, come on, the internet is world-wide…who can help a girl out?